Here are some FAQs I pulled off of the Crossfit Football Website (CrossfitFootballl.com). For more answers you can visit the Crossfit Football website and click on their FAQs tab or email me.

Why are there two parts to the workout?
Because we are trying to get as strong as possible. We are trying to get as fast as possible and we are trying to create work capacity at its highest level. This is done by combining strength training with the fundamentals of CrossFit.

When the program calls for "3x5" what does this mean?
When you see "3x5" this means to do 3 sets of 5 repetitions at the same weight for all 5 sets. This is after a proper warm up building up to this weight.

What if I am not competing in a sport and want to use the CF Football program?
We have many people that use and enjoy the CF Football programming, even though they are not competing in a sport. We recommend that you use the Off-Season programming in your training. The In-Season programming takes into account the athlete will be practicing and competing in sporting contests. With these factors in mind the In-Season programming will have reduced volume.

What does Amateur, Collegiate and Professional mean?
Amateur refers to an athlete that just started training, regardless of age. A player is considered at Amateur level from Day 1 through 1 year of consistent training.
Collegiate level applies to an athlete that has been training from 1+ years to 3 years. This is usually a football player that is been training consistently for a few years and is either towards the end of high school or the beginning of college.
Professional level applies to athletes that have been training for many years and are so advanced that linear improvement of strength no longer works. These players have been training for a number of years and gains have slowed. As a result a more complex program is needed to make strength and performance gains.

How will I know when I should move from Amateur to Collegiate and Collegiate to Profesional?
You will know as an athlete. Progress will slow with strength training and a new progression will be needed to continue improvement. Your strength and conditioning will have advanced, your experience will have progressed, and you will be skilled at Olympic Weightlifting, the barbell lifts and the principles of CrossFit.

What is the Strength WOD?
Strength WOD is the Strength Workout of the Day. The Strength WOD is the strength training aspect of the CrossFit Football programming.

What is the Daily WOD?
Daily WOD is the Workout of the Day. The WOD is the metabolic conditioning component of the CrossFit Football programming.

How does CrossFit Football.com differ from CrossFit.com?
"For football, we know the demands; football is a game of inches and seconds. We know that timeframe and scale, and we know when, where, and how game day is played. Knowing this, we can precisely prepare for the demands of the sport. What we cannot control is the player's talent: his instincts, and his ability to react to stress, pressure, and the opponent. We know what weapons we need in our arsenal and we will know when and how to use them. Optimum training results in optimum performance, and the optimally prepared athlete is in the position to make the best use of his talent, and thus to fulfill his potential as a player." John Welbourn

"Trainers and civilians needs are more akin to the firefighter, cop and soldier than they are to the elite athlete. The reason being, you don't know what gameday will look like, you don't know when it will occur and you don't know what the stressor will be, You just don't know."
Coach Greg Glassman