Monday, August 16, 2010

Bigger, Stronger, Faster

This weekend I watched the documentary Bigger, Faster, Stronger*, which talks about the use of anabolic steroids as performance enhancing drugs and how they relate to the "American Dream." The director Christian Bell talks about how his childhood heroes Arnold, Stallone, and Hulk all came out saying they have used steroids. He also addresses the conflicting opinions in America on things like steroids, cheating, and what people will do to achieve success. One other issue he touches on is other types of legal "performance enhancers" such as laser eye correction, adderall, and anxiety reducing drugs.

The director does a good job of investigating these issues, asking the right questions, being unbiased, and getting both sides of the story. I would recommend checking this out, I am sure I will watch it a few more times. You can watch it for free on YouTube broken down into 11 parts. Post thoughts to comments.

Bigger Stronger Faster (Part 1/11)

Monday, 08.16.10

Chet doing some GHD Sit Ups on our homemade GHD machine.

3x5 Squats add 5lb to last workout
3x5 Press add 5lbs to last workout

AMRAP 15min:
10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
10 True Push Ups

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday, 08.11.10

3x Max Pull Ups rest 3 min

10 Rounds of:
3 Deadlifts @ 315 lbs
5 Clapping Push Ups
7 GHD Sit Ups

To view Loren Cordain's Seminar at the CrossFit Football cert at CrossFit Front Range click here

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday, 08.09.10

Congrats to Joe from our CrossFit Football program on his completion of his CrossFit's level 1 Certification. This is going not only help him become a better coach but a better athlete. I know it has always helped me having new eyes critique my form. Excited to see how this experience has changed you.


Squat 3x5 add 5lbs to last workout
Press 3x5 add 5lbs to last workout


6 Rounds of:
10 KB Swings @ 2 pood
15 Toes to Bar
20 Double Unders

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday, 08.07.10

I wanted to take this opportunity to brag about one of our young athletes at CrossFit Michiana that has been participating in our CrossFit Football program since the beginning of the year. Mason is an 8th grader at Schmucker Middle School who wanted to use the CrossFit Football program to help make him a better athlete, and he did exactly that. Mason has come a long way not only in physical strength and looks, but also mentally. At first he used to complain about the work load from time to time, and how the weights were getting heavy. With time grew confidence, and Mason no longer complained about what his task where cause he knew no matter what was thrown at him he could do it if his mind was in the right place.

Here is an example of how Mason gymnastic and body-weight strength has improved.

When he first started he was using the thickest rubber band we had, and I was a helping him get over the bar. Now he is able to kip with the thinnest band we have and can almost do one without any assistance.

Now time to brag about some of his strength improvements for the CrossFit Football Totals.
January 1st/July 26th
Back Squat: 185lbs / 240lbs

Power Clean: 135lbs / 165lbs

Bench Press: 155lbs / 185lbs

Deadlift: 250lbs / 320lbs
As you can see Mason has put in some hard work and it has shown. It has been a pleasure to watch him grow and transform into the young man that he is today. I am excited to attend some of his football games this year, and see how all of that hard work has paid. Mason keep up the hard work both in the gym and outside and there is no telling what you can become.

Just wanted to leave you with a video of Mason doing he favorite lift, the Deadlift. This is also where he sets his PR of 320lbs.